
Quite suddenly this webpage might disappear for a while. Garbage with the domain registration and a migration has come up. Sigh.

Den her hjemmeside forsvinder muligvis i en periode. Alt muligt skrammel med registreringen af domænet og en ny struktur hos udbyderen og alt muligt.

Map of Cradle of Empires

Yes, I’m on a Cradle of Empires trip right now.

I’m sometimes confused about locations of stuff. Like, I’ll have a note, that the brewery is ready to be updated. But where is it? So, I made a map.

On this map, I’ve also noted the abbreviations I use.


In my notes.

#ThisWeeksFiddler, 20240419

This week the question is: Can You Win the Collaborative Card Game?

You and a friend each have a standard deck with 52 cards. You thoroughly shuffle your deck, while your friend thoroughly shuffles theirs. Then, you both draw cards one at a time. If the first card you draw is the same as the first card your friend draws, you lose! Otherwise, you draw again. If the next card you draw is the same as the next card your friend draws, you lose! Otherwise … and so on.

If the two of you can make it through your entire decks without ever drawing the same card at the same time, you both win. Otherwise, you both lose.

What is the probability that you and your friend will win this collaborative game?

Læs mere: #ThisWeeksFiddler, 20240419

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Fuskeren og frem-og-tilbagetiden

Anmeldelse af “The Tinker and the Timestream” (gratis), af Carolyn Ives Gilman.


Skitse: Rustem (et arabisk navn?) bor i en landsby, som er del af en mislykket koloni. De skulle slet ikke have været på den her planet, og de skulle ikke have boet under en ustabil sol. Situationen er deprimerende, og nogle af beboerne har, host, fået fornyet interesse for overtro. Og så en aften ser Rustem, der prøver at holde liv i videnskab, et stærkt lys på himlen.

Er det science fiction? Jeps.

Temaer: Sjov med tid! Og med besøgende, der påstår, de har et lille fartøj, der kan navigere på tidsstrømmene.

Rustem har det godt med orden, så det er hårdt at vænne sig til et stykke tid at have noget andet. Og at vænne sig til en Spørgejørgine.

Er det godt? Ja. Ja, det er det egentlig. 👽👽👽


Anmeldelse af “Secondhand Music” (gratis), af Aleksandra Hill.


Skitse: Ava er i starten af en lovende karriere som violinist, eller det var hun i hvert fald, indtil hun mistede noget af den ene arm i et biluheld. Forsikringen ville ikke betale, så nu får hun den gode protese, fordi den tidligere ejers enke af sit hjertes godhed har doneret den.

Er det science fiction? Ja.

Temaer: Musik, selvfølgelig. Den tidligere ejer spillede også violin, og det bliver en kamp for Ava at holde fast i hendes egen stil.

Enken presser på. Med den slags stædighed, jeg forbinder med penge. Der er en plan, og uanset hvordan det skal gå til, så vil planen blive ført ud i livet. Hvad Ava skal spille, og hvordan, og hvornår.

Er det godt? Ja. Jeg blev fanget, nærmest med det samme. 👽👽👽

#ThisWeeksFiddler, 20240405

This week the question is: Can You Paint by Number?

I’m completing a paint-by-number painting, although this one is a little different from any that I’ve seen before. It’s an infinitely long strip of canvas that is 1 cm wide. It’s broken up into adjacent 1 cm-by-1 cm squares, each of which is numbered zero or one, each with a 50 percent chance. The squares are all numbered independently of each other. Every square with a zero I color red, while every square with a one I color blue.

Once I’m done painting, there will be many “clusters” of contiguous red and blue squares. For example, consider the finite strip of canvas below. It contains 10 total squares and seven clusters, which means the average size of a cluster here is approximately 1.43 squares.

Once I’m done painting, what will be the average size of each red or blue cluster?

Before we get to that though, woohoo!

Congratulations to the (randomly selected) winner from last week: 🎻 Lise Andreasen 🎻 from Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Læs mere: #ThisWeeksFiddler, 20240405

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